{:#Account metadata}
Metadata about an account that resides in siteXX/info. Examples of metadata include the primary domain, admin username, bandwidth allotment.
An API is the exposed, public features of cod.
Set of values.
Reverse order of the call stack
Amount of transfer (inbound and outbound) that an account registers over a period. Bandwidth is in bytes unless a unit prefix is specified.
{:#Billing invoice}
An identifier that relates an account or set of accounts to a common billing entity. Billing invoices are stored in billing,invoice account metadata.
Typically used in relation to IO, an operation is blocking if it does not release control of the callstack.
An indivisible unit comprised of 8 bits. Bytes are units of measure of how data is stored and transmitted.
{:#Call stack}
Order of operations a program is currently processing. Often call stacks are nested indicating multiple layers of logic to arrive at a point.
Collection of related code that shares runtime attributes.
Direct server access accessed over terminal. SSH and embedded terminal (KVM) are used to access this mode.
{:#Complex type}
Complex types may store more than one value. In the context of service parameters, a complex type is always an array. Examples: ipinfo,ipaddrs=[''], aliases,aliases=['domain.com']. ipinfo,namebased=[]
A dentry maintains a relationship between a directory - also stored as an inode - and its files. Dentries bind a file or directory name to its metadata (inode).
Collection of related code.
{:#get_site_id} lit.
get_site_id is a shell helper function to resolve a domain (or addon domain) to its site identifier. Example: get_site_id apiscp.com
Account home for all virtual accounts. All accounts follow a siteXX notation with a primary domain symlink for easy access. get_site_id is the preferred utility to resolve a domain to siteXX from the command-line.
inodes are created by the filesystem to track metadata about files and directories, such as its access times, access rights, and where it is stored. Compare with dentry.
A function within a class that often inherits attributes about itself.
{:#Load average}
An erroneous definition. See run-queue depth.
Data about data. A common example of this is account metadata that lives in siteXX/info for each account.
{:#null} or None
In context of service values: a service value that is undefined. null is the preferred definition; however, None may be also used owing homage to ApisCP's progenitor, Ensim WEBppliance.
Templates consisting of predefined account metadata to be applied to accounts that inherit this plan. Plan assignment is stored in siteinfo,plan account metadata. Plans live in resources/templates/plans. See Plans.md for managing.
{:#Primary domain}
Domain assigned via siteinfo,domain service parameter during account creation. This may be changed at a later date through the API using auth:change-domain.
{:#Run-queue depth}
Often misrepresented as "load average" is the averaged depth of work parcels over a measured unit of time, jiffies. This value is meaningless without evaluating it relative to the number of logical CPUs attached to a server. Run-queue can be high without excessive computation if IO wait is high (indicating blocking IO). Likewise run-queue can hit stratospheric levels necessitating an (ASR)[#automated-system-recovery]
{:#Service name}
A collection of related service parameters; for example, "diskquota" controls how much storage is allotted to an account. Within diskquota are several service parameters that tune aspects relating to diskquota including storage limits and inode limits.
{:#Service parameter}
An attribute within a service name. See service name.
{:#Service value}
Setting for a service parameter. Service values come in simple and complex forms. Certain service parameters have predictable values, such as "enabled" which is 1 or 0. Booleans (true/false) are encoded as 1/0 respectively. Arrays are stored as a complex type.
{#Simple type}
Any value that may be represented as a number, string, or boolean. Simple types cannot hold more than one value. See complex type. Examples: diskquota,quota=4310.55, apache,webuser=apache, siteinfo,enabled=1
An expression that refers to /home/virtual/siteXX where siteXX is the site identifier of an account.
{:#Site identifier}
Internal marker for sites, which is defined on account creation. Site identifier index begins at 1 and the next largest value is assigned. Site identifiers do not change unless the account is deleted, then recreated. Site identifiers may be determined by domain using get_site_id from the command-line. Examples: site12, site1, site999999999..
{:#Site ID identifier}
Numeric component of the Site identifier.
{:#Stack trace}
A frozen call stack associated with bug reports. A stack trace includes the call hierarchy in addition to parameters passed to each method.
A measurement quantity. "Bytes", the most common unit referenced, is a measurement of electronic data.