SSL is provided through Let's Encrypt (opens new window), a free domain-validated SSL service. ApisCP v3.1 implements ACME v2 protocol, which supports both domain and wildcard SSL certificates as well as DNS, HTTP, and ALPN validation methods. ALPN is not used as a challenge method at this time.

Issuance attempts to protect itself from failures by applying IP verification and allowing hostnames to be removed from the set ("strict mode") if it would satisfy issuance. These behaviors may be configured globally in config.ini or per-account via Account > Settings > SSL.

SSL issuance is governed by Let's Encrypt's rate-limit policy (opens new window).

# Initial setup

ApisCP will attempt to request SSL for the server at install time. A resolvable hostname and valid email address are necessary to register with Let's Encrypt. ApisCP does not provide a method to bootstrap DNS for a server at installation. If SSL cannot be acquired at install time, a self-signed certificate is used in the interim.

# Configuration checklist

The following is a generalized checklist of prerequisites:

  • Configured admin email Confirm with: cpcmd common:get-email Set with: cpcmd common:set-email user@domain.com
  • Admin email domain has resolvable MX record Confirm with: dig +short MX domain.com
  • Resolvable DNS Confirm with: dig +short "$(hostname)" Set with: cpcmd scope:set net.hostname some.host.name Unless: DNS for hostname pending setup (see below)

# Issuing server certificate

A SSL certificate may be manually issued for the server. This issuance affects shared resources outside the virtual filesystem in /var/www/html as well as panel access. Ensure the CONFIGURATION CHECKLIST above is met.

# Issue a certificate named after the hostname derived from hostnamectl
# Enable verbose output
env DEBUG=1 cpcmd letsencrypt:request "$(cpcmd scope:get net.hostname)"

Server certificate is domain-only

A server certificate acts as a fallback for any unhosted account on the server. It may only accept domain-validated certificates, which is to say it cannot perform DNS validation for wildcard SSL.

Wildcard SSL - SSL that encompasses a variety of subdomains - is the domain of a hosted account in Nexus.

# Bootstrapping server SSL with a hosted domain

Consider the scenario in which the server hostname is svr1.mydomain.com and DNS has not been configured yet. As a prerequisite, email has been set for the admin above and a default DNS provider has been configured for the server.

Add the domain, then create a DNS record either from command-line or within the control panel via DNS > DNS Manager.

AddDomain -c siteinfo,domain=mydomain.com -c siteinfo,admin_user=someuser
cpcmd -d mydomain.com dns:add-record mydomain.com svr1 A "$(curl -s http://myip4.apiscp.com/)"
# If IPv6, use the following command:
cpcmd -d mydomain.com dns:add-record mydomain.com svr1 AAAA "$(curl -s http://myip6.apiscp.com/)"
# Restart ApisCP to attempt another SSL authorization from Let's Encrypt
systemctl restart apiscp

It may take up to 30 minutes for the negative cache TTL to expire due to a specification baked into SOA records (c.f. RFC 2308 (opens new window)).

# Issuing account certificate

Account certificates work similar to issuing a server certificate, except the API command binds to a site context.

# Issue a certificate for the primary domain and its wildcard
env DEBUG=1 cpcmd -d example.com letsencrypt:request '[example.com,*.example.com]'

# Issuing for all hostname variants

What if an account has 5 different domains and 20 subdomains? Manually unrolling each domain would be inefficient. letsencrypt:bootstrap enumerates this list.

env DEBUG=1 cpcmd -d example.com letsencrypt:bootstrap

Domains with managed DNS will consolidate multiple subdomains to a wildcard certificate. Transient DNS errors are retried over the next 72 hours until all domains attached to an account may be verified.

This does not work when the domain's public IP address does not match the expected public IP, such as if the domain is behind Cloudflare proxy.

# Staging

Issuance may be staged, that is to say authorization generated using letsencrypt:challenges(), then solved at a later time using letsencrypt:solve(). Once solved, a certificate may be ordered for the hostname using letsencrypt:request() using the pre-solved challenges as a shibboleth.

cpcmd -d site1 letsencrypt:challenges '[*.mydomain.com,mydomain.com]'
# '*.mydomain.com':
#  -
#    domain: mydomain.com
#    status: pending
#    type: dns-01
#    url: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/65182225/pZ_rOA'
#    token: y8SB_bt3yw-WgW9qpbsycaf5JohZJ2O4Mg5WttMXEPc
#    payload: y8SB_bt3yw-WgW9qpbsycaf5JohZJ2O4Mg5WttMXEPc.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY
# mydomain.com:
#  -
#    domain: mydomain.com
#    status: pending
#    type: http-01
#    url: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/65182226/P6I9wg'
#    token: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294
#    payload: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY
#  -
#    domain: mydomain.com
#    status: pending
#    type: dns-01
#    url: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/65182226/DicfxQ'
#    token: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294
#    payload: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY
#  -
#    domain: mydomain.com
#    status: pending
#    type: tls-alpn-01
#    url: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/65182226/rQVQPQ'
#    token: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294
#    payload: JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY

Values returned are raw values sent verbatim by Let's Encrypt.

  • For DNS verification, payload must be the sha256 digest base64-encoded as a TXT record named "_acme-challenge"
  • For HTTP verification, payload must be stored verbatim in a URL reachable via /.well-known/acme-challenge/TOKEN

We'll walk through setting up both of these challenges in ApisCP.

# Staging HTTP

HTTP staging checks a URI for the Let's Encrypt payload. In the above example, we'll need to create an accessible location named /.well-known/acme-challenge/JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294 on the domain, mydomain.com, with the payload contents JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY.

mkdir -p /var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
echo 'JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY' > '/var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge/JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294'
# Verify it's reachable
curl -H http://mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/JSauNS-u2QmqMZfnyljdbD9PTWF39-W7mMvBPuOf294


.well-known/ is often aliased to a general purpose system directory location. If the above curl request doesn't work, there's a good chance it's located somewhere else, e.g. /tmp/.well-known.

# Staging DNS

Wildcard SSL records must use DNS to complete the challenge. To complete a DNS challenge, create a DNS TXT record named "_acme_challenge" on the hostname for which you're requesting DNS. *.foo.com would require a record named "_acme_challenge.foo.com" as would a DNS challenge on foo.com.

Payload data must be the base64-encoded sha256 hash of payload. In the above example, this can be computed using basic shell scripts:

echo -n 'y8SB_bt3yw-WgW9qpbsycaf5JohZJ2O4Mg5WttMXEPc.eBTzuQcWvH6qMui1h0LTUCEYFIbxlCTafdxpVRJU-KY' | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 | openssl base64 | tr -d '=' | tr '+/' '-_' 
# Produces 'wA1Vss7jqjQ-FYQ3Jvs99ZWg9sg8Stafh6KjEjxY9J4'

Now take your payload and add a DNS record named\ _acme_challenge.

# Specify "30" to use a 30 second TTL so the record isn't cached for long
cpcmd -d mydomain.com dns:add-record mydomain.com '' TXT 'wA1Vss7jqjQ-FYQ3Jvs99ZWg9sg8Stafh6KjEjxY9J4' 30


DNS may take some time to propagate. This is due to propagation built into the protocol (TTL value). The ApisCP KB (opens new window) covers propagation in greater detail.

Mind the -n flag

echo -n omits a newline, which if not specified would calculate the hash of "string\n" instead of "string" producing two distinct hash values!

# Finalizing staging

Once challenges are setup, call letsencrypt:solve(['*.mydomain.com':'dns','mydomain.com':'http']).

env DEBUG=1 cpcmd -d mydomain.com letsencrypt:solve "['*.mydomain.com':'dns','mydomain.com':'http']"
# DEBUG   : SSL challenge attempt: dns (*.mydomain.com)
# DEBUG   : SUCCESS! SSL challenge response: *.mydomain.com (dns) - VALID
# DEBUG   : SSL challenge attempt: http (mydomain.com)
# DEBUG   : SUCCESS! SSL challenge response: mydomain.com (http) - VALID

Then once all challenges are solved for the named set, letsencrypt:request() should be called with IP address checks disabled (second parameter),

cpcmd -d mydomain.com letsencrypt:request "['*.mydomain.com','mydomain.com']" false
DEBUG   : *.mydomain.com already resolved by dns
DEBUG   : mydomain.com already resolved by http
INFO    : reminder: only 5 duplicate certificates and 50 unique certificates may be issued per week per account
INFO    : reloading web server in 2 minutes, stay tuned!
Reporter level: OK
INFO: reminder: only 5 duplicate certificates and 50 unique certificates may be issued per week per account
INFO: reloading web server in 2 minutes, stay tuned!

# Locations

The following table summarizes important locations pertaining to SSL infrastructure. Files are marked with a .extension whereas directories include a trailing forward-slash (/) for disambiguation.

All locations are prefixed /etc/pki unless noted.

Location Remarks
tls/certs/server.pem System certificate
tls/ca-trust/source/anchors Location to inject additional certificates (see Trusting self-signed certificates below)
/usr/local/apnscp/storage/certificates/data/certs/ACME-SERVER Let's Encrypt account certificates
siteXX/fst/etc/httpd/conf.d/ Apache SSL certificates
/etc/haproxy/ssl.d IMAP/POP3 SSL termination certificates (mirrors httpd/conf.d/)

# Issuance process

Certificates are stored under /usr/local/apnscp/storage/certificates/data/certs/ACME-SERVER where ACME-SERVER is the configured Let's Encrypt signing service (acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory typically in production). These certificates are read at panel boot as part of housekeeping to determine which certificates should be reissued. Reissuance is bracketed as 10 days before expiration and up to day of expiration. It may be altered via [letsencrypt] => lookahead_days and [letsencrypt] => lookbehind_days respectively.

# Begin renewing SSL certificates 20 days prior to expiration
cpcmd scope:set cp.config letsencrypt lookahead_days 20
# And up to 1 day after expiration
cpcmd scope:set cp.config letsencrypt lookbehind_days -1

Once a certificate order has completed, it is stored under ACME-SERVER/siteXX. The certificate is then copied into siteXX/fst/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt and ssl.key directories. Additionally, if haproxy is used for mail (when cpcmd scope:get cp.config mail proxy is "haproxy"), then a PEM is also copied as /etc/haproxy/ssl.d/siteXX.

A completed certificate resides in 3 places: Let's Encrypt storage in storage/certificates, Apache config in httpd/conf/ssl.{key,crt}, and haproxy (for SMTP/IMAP/POP3) in /etc/haproxy/ssl.d.

# Solver mechanisms

New in 3.2.20

Mechanisms are negotiated on appropriateness. ApisCP will attempt two mechanisms during issuance: http and dns.

http method is used if the hostname is not a wildcard (*.domain.com). dns is used if the hostname is a wildcard or the IP address returned from resolvers configured in /etc/resolv.conf does not match the IP address on the site (cpcmd -d domain.com dns:get-public-ip).

Note: dns is only used for non-wildcard domains if IP verification is disabled for the request (config.ini or Account > Settings > SSL in the UI).

Mechanisms may be forced for a given hostname using letsencrypt:use-mechanism(string $domain, ?string $mechanism).

# Always force dns validation using domain.com
cpcmd -d domain.com letsencrypt:use-mechanism domain.com dns
# Force HTTP validation for wildcard certificate
# Note: this will never succeed
cpcmd -d domain.com letsencrypt:use-mechanism '*.domain.com' http
# Admit it will never succeed and revert to autodiscovery
cpcmd -d domain.com letsencrypt:use-mechanism '*.domain.com' null

# Mass reissuance

ApisCP provides a script to facilitate mass reissuance of all installed certificates. This may be useful in situations where network connectivity prohibits automatic reissuance over an extended period governed by a lookaround range in config.ini. It accepts 1 argument, a directory to enumerate. By default, certificates are installed under storage/certificates/data/certs/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org.directory.

cd /usr/local/apnscp/
apnscp_php bin/scripts/reissueAllCertificates.php /usr/local/apnscp/storage/certificates/data/certs/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org.directory

# Importing certificates

Let's Encrypt will work for most situations, simple SSL and wildcard SSL. Certificates automatically update 10 days in advance.

What if you want to install an EV (extended validation) certificate? Two options, programmatically via cpcmd -d domain.com ssl:install or you can do it the old fashioned way: move the key in siteXX/fst/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key, CRT as server.crt in ssl.crt/, chain in ssl.crt/bundle.crt, then in /etc/httpd/conf/siteXX.ssl/, create a file named custom with:

SSLCertificateChainFile /home/virtual/siteXX/fst/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/bundle.crt

Next enable SSL service if not enabled already.

EditDomain -c ssl,enabled=1 siteXX

Followed by a configuration rebuild and reload: htrebuild.

Alternatively, the API method ssl:install does this automatically as well as confirm the private and public key match. Argument order is private key, certificate, and optional bundle:

cpcmd -d domain.com ssl:install "$(cat /path/to/server.key)" "$(cat /path/to/server.crt)" "$(cat /path/to/bundle.crt)"

SSL will activate in 2 minutes or less depending upon what [httpd] => reload_delay is set to in config.ini (opens new window).

But a greater question exists, why bother with EV when EV certificates are dead (opens new window)?

# Trusting self-signed certificates

A self-signed certificate is a certificate requested by and signed by the same authority, which is also almost always an untrusted authority. In this case it would be a certificate generated and signed by the server and not Let's Encrypt, ZeroSSL, or any other trusted authority.

Self-signed certificates can be trusted by adding the certificate to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors, then running update-ca-trust extract, which in turn will update /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt.

New in 3.2.45 ssl:trust-endpoint $uri will perform this process automatically. It is not intended to import the full chain, just the anchor certificate.

# Trust the self-signed certificate on
cpcmd ssl:trust-endpoint

serverAuth key usage required

extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth must be specified when generating the self-signed certificate for it to be included in ca-bundle.crt otherwise the certificate is included in ca-bundle.trust.crt, which is not the default CA location.

See also CA Cert are only added at ca-bundle-trust.crt (opens new window) (StackOverflow)

# Troubleshooting

ApisCP provides an easy way to request SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt's staging server. The staging server grants much higher rate-limits (opens new window) on SSL issuance. Certificates issued through "Fake LE Intermediate X1" are untrusted in browser.

To proceed, enable [letsencrypt] => debug in config.ini. Verbosity is increased that may help ferret out failures in reissuance. Let's assume the server is failing to issue; it can be easily extended on a per-site basis by adding -d siteXX or -d domain.com to cpcmd.

# Issue invalid certificate with high error tolerance
cpcmd scope:set cp.config letsencrypt debug true
systemctl restart apiscp
env DEBUG=1 cpcmd letsencrypt:request '[svr1.domain.com]'
renew vs append

letsencrypt:renew is a non-destructive command that attempts to renew an existing certificate without alteration. letsencrypt:append attempts to issue a new certificate while retaining existing SSL hostnames. letsencrypt:request overwrites the given hostname set with a new set of hostnames. A set is written as '[domain1.com, domain2.com]'.

Sample output from the command,

DEBUG: SSL challenge attempt: svr1.domain.com (http)
DEBUG: SSL: setting `p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ.48DSxJ1RVTfoPH2qk0N-1YyEEzwW4tFQJbfJY-jRmAQ' in `/tmp/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ'
DEBUG: http challenge failed: Challenge failed (response: {"type":"http-01","status":"invalid","error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"Invalid response from https:\/\/svr1.domain.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ []: \"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \\\"-\/\/IETF\/\/DTD HTML 2.0\/\/EN\\\">\\n<html><head>\\n<title>404 Not Found<\/title>\\n<\/head><body>\\n<h1>Not Found<\/h1>\\n<p\"","status":403},"url":"https:\/\/acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org\/acme\/chall-v3\/13971920\/JeF6GA","token":"p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ","validationRecord":[{"url":"http:\/\/svr1.domain.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ","hostname":"svr1.domain.com","port":"80","addressesResolved":[""],"addressUsed":""},{"url":"https:\/\/svr1.domain.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ","hostname":"svr1.domain.com","port":"443","addressesResolved":[""],"addressUsed":""}]}).
DEBUG: SSL challenge attempt: svr1.domain.com (dns)
WARNING: Dns_Module::record_exists(): No hosting nameservers configured for `svr1.domain.com', cannot determine if record exists
ERROR: Dns_Module_Surrogate::__parse: Non-existent DNS record `_acme-challenge'
DEBUG: Setting DNS TXT record _acme-challenge.svr1.domain.com with value GuIW_r_cARFoVr35VItWGhfwpSxGCRbTKwFE6Z0PYrE
DEBUG: dns challenge failed: Challenge failed (response: {"type":"dns-01","status":"invalid","url":"https:\/\/acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org\/acme\/chall-v3\/13971920\/F0RMlg","token":"p0ZAj9RvYFTpysM3jLKjLHOM0Xv4noYtxBTEsSKHTPQ"}).

From the above debug log, a HTTP request to failed to produce the challenge request. A quick verification confirms the server address differs from resulting in a failure.

Once the root cause is corrected, reissue the certificate using Let's Encrypt in production mode.

cpcmd scope:set cp.config letsencrypt debug false
systemctl restart apiscp
# This is a transient form of "cpcmd scope:set cp.debug true"
env DEBUG=1 cpcmd letsencrypt:request '[svr1.domain.com]'

Panel vs Let's Encrypt debugging

Two forms of debugging are used above. Panel debugging for verbose operation (cp.debug true) and Let's Encrypt debugging that uses LE's staging server (Fake LE Intermediate X1). Staging doesn't impose the same rate-limiting as LE's production server.

Be sure to turn [letsencrypt] => debug off (cp.config letsencrypt debug false) once the underlying cause is resolved. SSL must be requested again as well.

# Validating installed certificates

openssl is a utility that can quickly check SSL certificates for expiration and subject alternative names, which are used to confirm a SSL certificate's authenticity when connecting securely to mail or HTTP.

Service Port
POP3S 995

Typical usage is openssl s_client -connect IP:PORT -servername HOSTNAME where IP is the IP to connect (or server hostname), PORT from the above table, and HOSTNAME is the certificate to examine. HOSTNAME is crucial as it helps the server send the correct certificate at handshake.

For example, openssl s_client -connect apiscp.com:993 -servername apiscp.com | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint and openssl s_client -connect apiscp.com:993 -servername nexus.apiscp.com | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint return different fingerprints because different certificates are sent depending upon the servername parameter.

# Checking expiration date

A certificate is only valid for the expiration dates it is authorized to serve. All times are in GMT.

openssl s_client -connect apiscp.com:993 -servername apiscp.com | openssl x509 -noout -dates

# Checking SANs

SANs are all hostnames bound to a certificate. -text generates significant data, so filter out the noise using grep:

openssl s_client -connect apiscp.com:993 -servername apiscp.com | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep 'DNS:'

# Common topics

# Server vs account SSL

A single hostname certificate secures common, shared services: panel access, redirected panel services (webmail, phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin), and remote database access. The common name for this certificate is the server hostname retrieved with net.hostname scope. Wildcards are not supported for server SSL; it is single-homed.

Account certificates are configured after creating an account in Nexus or with AddDomain. An account may host one or more domains that have a variety of subdomains (car.mydomain.com, house.mydomain.com, toilet.myrentalproperty.com, et cetera) that have different scopes. Accounts may be multi-homed. As such, accounts support wildcard certificates that allow multiple domains and subdomains.

Wildcard issuance requires DNS to be actively managed by the panel.